Saturday, January 17, 2009

Positive things about Windows 7

Let me make one thing clear about Windows 7: It's far better than Vista. Far, far, FAR better. I haven't installed the Beta of Win 7 yet, and I don't plan to unless I have an extra computer to do it on. However, what I've heard about Windows 7 sounds great. What's great about it?

-It runs on cheaper, less powerful hardware than Vista. Vista runs terribly on the laptop I used XP on. Windows 7 apparently 'uses half of the 1 GB of RAM" on the same type of laptop, which is exciting to hear.
-It's snappier, more reliable
-It organizes files better
-It's compatible with all major hardware and software from the start, unlike Vista
-It looks very nice, and you can customize colors and themes
-Microsoft has said that they're working to make it "faster and more reliable". Of course, that's what they've said every time they've released a new OS, but this time it looks like they're telling the truth.

Of course, that doesn't exclude the bad things.

-It continues the tradition of ripping off of Apple with features that Microsoft calls "innovative"
-It changes a lot of UI concepts, when 90% of Windows users don't want change
-It comes in many different versions, and that makes it confusing to get an OS with everything you need while not costing to much
-And of course, this.

But I think this is finally going to be Windows users' big break. It's far better than Vista, and it's exciting for me to eventually get it.


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