Friday, November 28, 2008

Another debate

I got into another iPod / Zune debate with my dad. To be fair, he started it. He was telling my sister, obviously directing it towards me while I was right next to him, that the Zune is a much better music player and her Zune (Dad got it for free and gave it to her. Microsoft's giving out Zunes because nobody's buying them) looks better than any iPod. As if.

I won the debate. I won it because I said, "What makes a Zune better? Tell me right now." and dad said, "Well what makes an iPod better?" Big mistake. First of all, redirecting it towards me is a lame attempt to hide the fact that he doesn't actually know what's better about the Zune, he's just siding with Microsoft because he hates Apple for whatever reason. He's exposed his ignorance about iPods and Zunes. Second, he asked the wrong person the wrong question. "Well for starters, they can play feature-length films and TV shows, which Zune doesn't support and Microsoft doesn't sell. It doesn't have any gimmicks, like the Zune's stupid 'sharing' feature (you can trade songs from Zune to Zune, but good luck finding another Zune to share it with since nobody uses it!). They look much more beautiful, and they keep looking more beautiful every time they come out with a new one. They have new features all the time, like accelerometers, games, better and better screens, being thinner and thinner, etc. They start at a great price for music players, $69 (to which he said, 'Are you saying iPods are the cheapest music players? Because they're not', and I said, 'No, I'm saying that they're the cheapest music players that are in any way good.'). They are an original idea and have been from the start. They aren't some stupid marketing attempt to grab some cash from an already successful product that somebody else made." I also mentioned that iPods were an original idea at the time. There were other music players, yes. But there were virtually none like the iPod.

Also, a while ago I told him, "The real question is, can the Zune play movies?" "No, because it's not a movie playing product." BS! That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard of for a product. So are you really telling me that you'd rather buy a 80 GB product that can't play movies and TV shows than buy a 120 GB product that does play those, and for the same price? In what insane asylum would the answer be yes? He is OBVIOUSLY in denial, just trying to make a point against Apple. The problem is, there is no point you can make against the iPod. Except a few. But I mean, it's better than the Zune. And any other MP3 player. So there.


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