Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quit whining about nothing

Okay, I've been surfing the web all over the place, like YouTube, Digg, etc... and everybody is whining about the same thing. It's the same thing I was talking about in the other post where I showed the comparison video of the ad's 3G network and the real life 3G network. Everybody's still whining about this ad:

They're all whining, "Look how fast the iPhone is loading the page and finding the location and downloading the attachment! It's not that fast! Apple must be lying to us! Apple sucks! Kill Apple!"

This isn't a new thing. Even with Apple, people love to get out their pitchforks and torches and hate companies like this. One thing I have to say is that if people are so desperate to complain about Apple that they have to complain not about their computers, iPods, or iPhone, but about their ADVERTISEMENTS, then that means Apple must be in a really good place right now.

Here's what I think: When you go to McDonalds, you know how good and perfect and juicy and symmetrical those burgers look on the menu and on TV and stuff? Does your burger ever end up looking anything like that? No. I think McDonald's is more guilty of false advertising right now than Apple ever was.

You have to realize, how else could Apple make a 30-second commercial than make the time it takes to load shorter? They made no false claims. They did in fact say that it's "twice as fast", which is proven to be true. And there's a disclaimer in the commercial which basically says that the 3G network may vary by location.

Also, let's be honest. Who really believed that that speed in the ad was its actual speed? Who even really paid attention? I know I didn't. I use my dad's iPhone 3G (I'm stuck with the original) all the time, and I can definitely tell you, it doesn't load instantaneously. But Apple's not saying that it will, okay? Anybody who says Apple is "flat-out lying" is simply wrong. They're not lying. There wasn't a single lie in the commercial.

Why do we always have to look at the few little negatives there are in companies like Apple when there are so many great things about them? Too many people do that today. Today, everybody is saying, "Everybody thinks it's 'hip' to like Apple". Uh, no, not anymore. Maybe it was about six months ago, but now everybody thinks it's 'hip' to hate Apple. And that's just wrong. There's hardly anything to hate them about.


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