Sunday, November 30, 2008

Steve Jobs Movie Idea

I'm really a nerd for thinking this up. I was thinking about Ed Wood, a movie I reviewed on this blog a while ago, and I realized that you could do something similar for Steve Jobs. Think about it; he's a famous personality and leader when it comes to technology, and there are tons of people who think he's awesome. The movie could be called "Steve Jobs", or "Jobs", or maybe "iJobs". I like "iJobs" the best. It sounds kind of like iPod, so people would kind of get an idea of who he is right off the bat. It would be a partly fictional biography/comedy/drama.

The movie could start with him being born, being given to his step parents, becoming a teenager, meeting Woz (who was in college at the time), becoming spiritually involved, going to India, etc. Then he would see a computer Woz made and have a spark of realization that he wanted to make technology. So he convinces Woz to manufacture it as the Apple I, then they make the successful Apple II, and then it fast forwards to the day Steve Jobs announces the upcoming Macintosh. Around this point, it would really show that Jobs has an emotional hatred of IBM. Then it would show the 1984 ad being played at the Super Bowl, followed by the Macintosh demo. This is really the part where it became an insane cult phenomena, as shown by the crowd.

Then it could show Steve and Sculley arguing a lot about where the company should go, Steve gets fired, he's in a terrible depression, but then gets a spark of creativity, creates Pixar, creates NeXT, and is taken back to Apple. He creates the iPod, etc. Then he has trouble with the whole options scandal. But it ends on a triumphant note with the introduction to the iPhone in January 2007. Or maybe it would go further to his death. But one thing is, he needs to be dead before this is made, so this can be a tribute to the great man he was (is) and the great legacy he will have left behind.


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