Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ideas: DropBox

This is a new idea of mine, and I call it "DropBox". DropBox is a website that basically acts as an online database, private or not private, where anybody can sign up for free. Basically, when you sign up, you get your very own 'box' where you can drop anything you want into there. Have a Microsoft Word document you need for work? Put it in DropBox. Have a picture you want to put on a different computer? Put it in DropBox. Have a folder full of information, pictures, spreadsheets, movies, etc that you need for a different computer? Put it all on DropBox. So the idea is you put whatever you want into your very own box, and when you go to any other computer in the world that's connected to the internet, you can go to your DropBox and pick that file up. You no longer need a flash drive for school or work because you can just pick whatever you need up from DropBox.

So imagine this: imagine you have only a desktop at home and no laptop, and you have to get a folder full of spreadsheets for your company on your desktop. Just upload it to DropBox and it will be stored on there. Go to work, go to your computer at work, go to or whatever the URL should be, download it to your computer (downloading time will vary depending on file size), and there you go. You have whatever you need everywhere you go. Maybe you could also have a QuickLook-esque feature on DropBox where you can preview your files in an instant, in case you're not sure which file is which. Your DropBox will have to be extremely secure so that all of your precious files are protected from hackers, etc.

Just a handy little tool I thought up. It would absolutely solve my problems with school and trying to remember where my flash drive is. In fact, I don't have one right now since it's lost. If DropBox could be accepted in all schools and businesses, it could possibly become a great tool.


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