Sunday, December 14, 2008

Steve Ballmer on Steve Jobs

This is Steve Ballmer in Budapest, right after being attacked with eggs. He's apparently claiming that Microsoft must have better taste than Apple because they have sold over a billion computers, way more than Apple. There he goes with that stupid deceptive illusion again. It's getting really old. How many times is he going to say the same thing over and over? Come up with a different excuse at least. So the fact that you've sold more computers automatically makes you have better taste? Or could it be that everybody has been lied to by Microsoft? Could it be that they don't trust Mac because they don't know any better and they're afraid of switching? I think so. Ballmer's going to have to come up with something new if he wants any kind of respect from the tech community.

EDIT: I just noticed something else he said. He said Apple's focus is more on design, and Microsoft's is on functionality. What's that supposed to mean? Are you trying to tell me that Macs are not as functional as Windows computers? Any Mac user knows that's totally untrue. Are you saying that an OS that is full of glitches, freezes up, isn't compatible with old computers, is badly designed, very confusing, and extremely frustrating is 'functional'? There he goes again, making up stuff he doesn't even know about. He probably hasn't used a Mac in like 10 years, like all the Mac skeptics I know. Oh wait, he had to, otherwise he couldn't copy off it. Never mind.

On a side note, notice how I made the screen size for the YouTube video much bigger. I'm doing that from now on because I like it, it's pretty nice.

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