Friday, December 12, 2008

Zune Phone

I really can't believe that Microsoft is supposedly going to release a new Zune device that works as a mobile phone, which is similar to the iPhone. It has an accelerometer, possibly a touch screen, and a Zune built in.

Okay, let me predict this entire iPhone-ZunePhone war right now.

First, the ZunePhone will be announced. Microsoft's going to brag about a few gimmicky features the phone has, probably including copy-and-paste, video recording, and so on. However, the phone's going to be a piece of crap. A few people will decide to 'stick it' to the iPhone and get the ZunePhone to try something different. This represents about 2% of the market share. It will, however, be a huge failure. iPhone will keep coming out with new and better features and designs while ZunePhone is hardly ever updated. Then, the ZunePhone will get an update that will make it not quite as piece-of-crap-ish. Then, those 2% people who will be sad that they don't have an iPhone will start bragging about the ZunePhone's gimmicks so they can try to feel special about having one. However, iPhone will totally dominate the market.

You know what I just did? I completely described the iPod-Zune war that already happened, except I changed a few words. That's what's going to happen in the long run. Microsoft has so much money that they don't even care if they release the same kind of piece of crap they just released a year or two ago. Most companies would come up with a better business strategy than this, but not Microsoft. They have so much money that they can just do whatever they feel like doing. Just more reiteration on how bad of a company they've become.

My suggestion to Microsoft is this: How about switching things up? How about... Oh, I don't know... maybe coming up with something original? Quit following behind the other company. Try making a new kind of product that will be a hit, just like the iPod. See what you can add to the market.

But alas, that's never going to happen. Why? I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: Microsoft is the McDonald's of technology. They use a really bad business strategy because it makes them billions of dollars, and nobody wants to stop doing that. They've been mainly using advertising and copying off of other companies instead of making good products and listening to their customers. And that's what they're going to keep doing for as long as CEO Steve Ballmer is still in charge, and as long as this attitude stays within the company.


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