Monday, October 13, 2008

My Trip To The Apple Store

I had a little adventure trying to get to the local Apple store, but I made it. For the most part, it was worth it. I gave one last look at the current MacBooks and MacBook Pros, knowing that they'll probably be out of the store by tomorrow, replaced by the new notebooks coming out tomorrow. I also surfed the web on an iMac, a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, and a Mac Mini. To tell you the truth, they all seemed about the same: super-fast. That's how fantastic Apple is. I also surfed the web with a Mac Pro, and I've never seen so much incredible processing power before. I also used a Mac connected to the 30" Cinema Display, and it was simply stunning. That's almost three feet. It's like looking at a TV! Speaking of which, I used the Apple TV for the first time. Not bad. I also checked out the 4th Generation iPod Nano's. They're incredibly thin, and the new ad for them is really artistic in my opinion. The MacBook Air is also very thin. It's really amazing to hold one in your hand.

But the best part was definitely at the end, when I decided to interview an employee. I asked him, "Do you know anything about the new MacBooks and MacBook Pros that are supposed to be announced tomorrow?" and he was like, "I'm not supposed to talk about that." I was like, "Oh, okay, that's fine. You're just doing your job." But then I said, in a kind of quiet voice, "But seriously, how much do I have to pay you to tell me?" I was totally kidding. I tried to make it clear with my voice that I was kidding. But you'll never believe what happened next. He friggin kicked me out. I am dead serious. He kicked me out of the store. I couldn't believe it. I just cooperated though, since he works for Apple and all that. I tried going back after a while, and I stayed there for like 30 minutes and nobody recognized me. Which is a good thing for me.

I'm surprised the employees of an Apple store are even allowed to say that they know about tomorrow's keynote. I'm also surprised that they can kick you out for bribing them to tell secret info. They're really serious about keeping these announcements secret until they're made. I mean seriously, what harm's it going to do if he told me about it just ONE DAY before it was announced? It wouldn't make any difference at all. Anyway, whatever. Like I said, he was just doing his job.

I'll post pictures soon.

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