Saturday, October 11, 2008

So I email Dan Lyons (AKA Fake Steve Jobs)...

...asking him a couple things: a) are Options (his book) and The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs (the compilation of the blog of the same name) available in bookstores? and b) I know that Steve Jobs might be a tiny bit unhealthy, but why can't you start back up the Fake Steve thing?

He responds on the very same day, saying literally one whole sentence of a response: "Options is available in paperback and should now be in stores" He literally says that. No period at the end either, which seems unlike him. Maybe he was using his phone to type. And notice that he didn't respond to question B. Probably because that's the number one thing people email him about.

So I email him again, saying a) what about the Secret Diary of Steve Jobs? Is that also in bookstores? and b) If you were able to respond to an email I sent you on the very same day, why haven't you updated your blog in like a week?

He didn't respond.

I don't like his attitude. I mean, I'm sure he's a nice guy, but he's acting like he's more important than me and the rest of the fans. And to say that he's more important than us is a kind of contradiction, because we're what made him into a famous person in the blogging community. So it's only fair that he should take our suggestions and at least make 50% of the blog about what we want it to be. I mean, let's face it, a blog run by Steve Jobs is much more interesting and captivating than a blog run by some Forbes-turned-Newsweek reporter in his 40's who is negative about pretty much everything in the tech industry. So if we, the fans, say we want Fake Steve Jobs to come back, it's a good idea to bring him back, because that's what's going to give Dan more views, more money, and more fame. Plus it's way more fun to read.

But no. Dan is ignoring my opinion and everybody else's opinion, only thinking about the blog he's running right now, and condemning himself to not have the attention he once had. He's pretty much saying, "This guy doesn't matter. He's just some reader who doesn't know what he's talking about."


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